In order to mount the new brushless motor, I needed to make a motor mount. I started off with a piece of 8x8x1/2 Aluminum angle. Unfortunately, I didn't measure the slots in the base before I ordrered the material, so I only got a 6" wide piece.... and the slots in the base are on 6" centers...:(. So I picked up a couple of stainless steel cutoffs at my local surplus metal dealer and made some spacers.
To bore the pilot hole, I set the angle up on some 1-2-3 blocks and held it down with a couple of strap clamps. I used a large drill (61/64) to drill out a starter hole. Then I used a boring head to slowly open the hole up to the 110mm pilot diameter for the motor.
Drilling the starting hold for the pilot bore |
First pass with the boring head |
Manny passes later |
Almost there :) |
After boring the hole, I drilled and tapped the four M8 holes. The other leg of the angle got four notches to clear the 3/8 bolts and a pattern of clearance holes for M8 screws to attach the spacers.
After cutting the spacers to length, I surfaced them top and bottom to make sure they were the same size. Then I drilled 1/2" holes for the mounting bolts and tapped two M8 holes for attaching the angle.
Stainless Spacer bars |
I used 3/8" carriage bolts to attach the spacers, since they fit the slots in the base well and can be tightened from the top. The angle and the Motor are attached with M8 screws. I like metric fasteners whenever possible, but when interfacing to older machines this may not always be practical.
Motor on Mount attached to base plate |
Closeup of spacers on base. |
I was finally able to get the whole assembly wrestled into the cabinet. Unfortunately some of the sharp corners left gouges in the paint. I will go back for some touchup work once I get everything installed.
Installed in the Lathe |